Russian Vice Premier and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin flies to France on Friday to attend the meeting of the G-8 Finance Ministers which will take place in the city of Deauville, Normandie.
As Kudrin's press secretary Gennady Yezhov told reporters, the aim of the meeting is preparations for the G-8 summit in Evian on June 1-3.
At this meeting the Finance Ministers will discuss the financial and economic aspects of the problems of the development of Africa, the theme of increasing the efficiency of the aid to the poorest countries and the aid to the countries with a too heavy debt load.
Other themes to be discussed at the meeting are: the fight against terrorism and criminal money laundering, support of the growth in the countries with a developing economy, and also the prevention and solution of crises.
As was pointed out by Yezhov, the peculiarity of this meeting is that Alexei Kudrin will take part in all stages of the discussion on all the items of the agenda. He will tell the colleagues about the current situation in Russia, including in the economy, and about the development of the financial markets.
The Finance Minister will also hold a number of bilateral working meetings.
Sunday morning Alexei Kudrin will return to Moscow.
Answering the reporters' questions Yezhov said that despite his coming departure, Kudrin "will listen to and watch the Russian President's State of the Nation Address to the Federal Assembly in the regime of real time via Internet."
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