Another Train with Munitions Sent from Transdniestria to Russia

In accordance with the schedule, a regular train of 20 railway cars with munitions (approximately 400 tons) was sent from Transdniestria (the self-proclaimed republic on territory of Moldova) to Russia last night, sources in the headquarters of the Operational Group of Russian Troops (OGRV) told RIA Novosti. Munitions are taken away from the depots situated near Kolbasnoye village 120 kilometres north of the capital of the republic, Tiraspol, the sources added.

The OGRV officials noted that munitions are loaded there every day.

As 20 railway cars become loaded in full, a train is being formed. Sending a train consisting of a greater number of cars is ruled out for security considerations, the OGRV officials stressed.

At the OSCE summit in Istanbul in November 1999 Russia assumed the obligation to complete the process of taking away and utilising its arms from Transdniestria before the end of 2002 but this deadline was then put off till the end of 2003.

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