Ukrainian officials released the name of the journalist who was killed as a result of bombing of the central Bagdad hotel Palestine by the anti-Iraq coalition forces on Tuesday. According to Rosbalt, the victim of the bombing was a Ukrainian citizen and correspondent for Reuters in Iraq Taras Protsyuk. The 35-year-old Protsyuk worked in several so-called hot spots including Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and Macedonia. In the early 1990's, the journalist worked in Kiev for CNN.
In 1999, he began working for Reuters. Over the last several years, Protsyuk worked in the Warsaw bureau of Reuters and lived in Warsaw where his wife and eight-year-old son Denis remain.
The details of Protsyuk's death are not clear. According to Rosbalt, a reporter from Syrian radio who was working in the Palestine hotel said, 'a person speaking Russian was buried under steel and concrete reinforcements from the 15th floor of the hotel during the bombings.
U.S. soldiers confirmed on Tuesday morning the massive rocket attack strike of the Palestine hotel.
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