Hague tribunal urges Milosevic to hire a lawyer for reasons of health

Bearing in mind the state of health of Yugoslav ex-leader Slobodan Milosevic, the Hague tribunal recommended him to hire a lawyer to defend himself.

Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice noted that hiring a lawyer would "save health" for Milosevic, RIA Novosti quotes Yugoslav Fonet agency as reporting. Many courts "compel" the defendants to have lawyers, naming the same reason, Nice said.

Jamaican judge Patrick Robinson said Milosevic's health was "a serious concern for the court." Yugoslav ex-leader would have had a lot more time for rest if he had a lawyer.

In response, Milosevic repeated that he never recognised the Hague tribunal and "could not hire a lawyer for a non-existent court." "I never even imagined joining this farce," stressed Milosevic.

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