Pakistan Hails Bonn Agreements On Formation Of Provisional Government

Pakistan hails agreement achieved at the conference in Bonn between representatives of the Afghan groups on the formation of a provisional government of Afghanistan for a period of six months, said press secretary of the Pakistani Foreign Ministry Aziz Ahmed Khan. According to Bonn reports, the candidature to the post of the head of the provisional government has not yet been approved. As Radio Pakistan reported, the Northern Alliance has agreed to give this post to Khamid Karzai, a Pashtoon, the leader of the Popalzai tribe, who took the post of a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the mujahedin government, on condition that the Northern Alliance will receive the portfolios of the ministers of defence, internal affairs and foreign affairs. At the same time, Karzai's supporters are fighting battles against the Talibs some thirty kilometres from Kandahar. According to the Taliban's assertions, all the Pashtoon attacks have been repulsed and they have sustained heavy losses in manpower. Meanwhile, the US aviation delivered new bomb strikes on Kandahar, the area of Tora Bora in the eastern Nangahar province, bordering on Pakistan, where, Osama bin-Laden is believed to be hiding. Strikes have been also dealt on the Gardez district in the Paktia province where several Taliban detachments are deployed.

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