Russian Defence Minister to pay a working visit to Kirghizia

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov will go to Kirghizia on Wednesday to pay a working visit.

A RIA Novosti correspondent was told in the press service of the Russian Defence Ministry that Sergei Ivanov would discuss with his Kirghiz counterpart issues of bilateral military and military-technological cooperation, as well as regional cooperation in the sphere of the Defence Ministries in the light of the latest decisions of the Councils of the Defence Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty member countries and of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

RIA Novosti learnt from sources in the Defence Ministry of Kirghizia that on December 5 Sergei Ivanov is expected to visit the military aerodrome in the town of Kant, some twenty kilometres away from Bishkek.

Training flights will be demonstrated to the head of the Russian Defence Ministry.

That same day Sergei Ivanov will discuss the details of military cooperation with Kirghiz Defence Minister Esen Topoyev.

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