Airplanes not to take part in Belarus aviation show

Considering the consequences of the tragic events in Ukraine, the organisers of the Belarus aviation show, which was scheduled for August 18th in Borovoye village near Minsk, decided to leave the participation of the military and civil aviation behind the frames of the program. "After the shocking events in Lvov, certain changes have been introduced certain changes to the programme," Director of the aviation club where the show is to be held Nikolai Mochansky said.

Manoeuvring flights will be performed by the sports airplanes and helicopters. "They weigh less than 1.5 metric tons, have slow speeds and are more manoeuvrable in comparison with the military airplanes," Nikolai Mochansky said.

Moreover, according to Mochansky, air club area is too small for the performance of the high classed manoeuvring by the powerful airplanes. However, last year military and civil aviation participated in the aviation show.

Performances of the paratroopers and air acrobatics team from the Air Forces and Air Defence Forces are also included in the programme.

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