USA ready to be the first to use nuclear weapons

The United States has tested another intercontinental ballistic missile in one week.  US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work said that Washington was prepared to use nuclear weapons, if necessary. 

The tests have been conducted to intimidate other countries. This is Washington's usual tactic to make other countries follow America's instructions. 

In Washington's view, ballistic missiles ensure security in the whole, RT says. However, despite the fact that the US conducts such tests regularly, the American administration expresses concerns if other countries do the same. 

According to experts, the United States is one of the few states that are willing to use nuclear weapons not only in case of a nuclear threat, but also in terms of war with the use of conventional weapons. 

Noteworthy, Russia has considerably strengthened the Kaliningrad enclave. The russian military group in the region is ready to show an adequate response to NATO's possible preemptive strike.

In Kaliningrad, Russia has deployed three fully-equipped elite brigades, as well as S-400 Triumf and Iskander-M air defense systems. 


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