CyberBerkut: Names of Western instructors to train Ukrainians on Hitler's birthday

Ukrainian hackers, named CyberBerkut, released data on the prepared provocations in the South-East of Ukraine. According to the report, Kiev is to extent the military conflict in the nearest future. "This is what our agents report from Kiev: from 12th April till 6th May a group of western military instructors arrive in the Ukraine and start their anti-national activity".

The US-led group of military experts from Denmark, Poland, Germany and other countries will have access to the frontier guards' departments and military units of interior troops.

Pravda.Ru reminds that start of the training coincides with Adolf Hitler date of birth, namely April, 20.

Cyber Berkut captured the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' letter with the surnames of foreign mercenaries as well as their personal data and time of arrival:

Read article in Russian on theRussian version of Pravda.Ru

NN Name/ surname m/f passport country Date/time flight
1 Thomas Miller m DP25002157 Sweden 13.40 PS819
2 Ian Almgerd m DP27002223 Sweden 13.40 PS819
3 Von Rozenzveig m C4J6NCTWN Germany 13.40 7175
4 Matias Kraimer m C4J6C7GNF Germany 13.40 7175
5 Raimondas Ivanauscas m DP00002623 Lituania 14.00 L0767
6 Zulonas Zbignevas m - Lituania 14.00 L0767
7 Kari Ahrnberg m PX7061330 Finland 14.00 L0767
8 Kari Marti m PJ6001465 Finland 14.00 L0767
9 Timathy Brown m 505009090 Great Britain 14.00 L0767
10 Richard Moris m 728112125 Great Britain 14.00 L0767
11 Ach Gabor m AA0280295 Hungary 14.00 L0767
12 Tamosh Vegvery m AB0065055 Hungary 14.00 L0767
13 Brendon Presly m 910174096 USA 14.00  
14 Jozef Przhevalskiy m 910168796 USA 14.00  
15 Patrick Jozef McDaniel m DT0016120 Ireland 14.00  
16 Korhan Karakoe m P00017328 Turkey 16.00 TK8818
17 Ruslan Getman m K4053532 Estonia 20.30 PS055
18 Raizo Saremat m KB0703280 Estonia 20.30 PS055
19 Tomashic Erchi m AS6031453 Poland 20.30 PS055
20 Martin Chervinsky m DD8010889 Poland 20.30 PS055
21 Tore C. Bade m UK00108679 Norway 20.30 PS055
22 Hamo Dalevic m 00105634 Norway 20.30 PS055
23 Ivars Ercums m LS3001193 Latvia 20.30 PS88
24 Marita Brid-Alex f LS3001201 Latvia 20.30 PS88
25 James Mackines m DZ008822 Canada 20.30  
26 Pobert Martin m DZ 003733 Canada 20.30  
27 Kolman Richard m 13CD12730 France 20.30 PS055
28 Pinzhon Du Sel Erac m 13RF57069 France 20.30 PS055
29 Bruni Walter m D016776 Italy 20.30 PS055
30 Santarnia Isidoro m SA0037678 Italy 20.30 PS055
31 Ivan Bela m DI5563744 Slovakia   auto
32 Martin Joskak m DI0580974 Slovakia   auto
33 Jozef Hvoltz m   Austria   auto
34 Kim Guldbeh m 450015024 Denmark 9.10 TK465
35 Henrick Hansen m 206627628 Denmark 9.10 TK465
36 Bel Ian Williams m DP01DKK31 Netherlands 9.10 TK465
37 Molen van der Guisebertus m DBND9JD89 Netherlands 9.10 TK465
38 Ishir Anton m S1008739 Austria 9.10 TK465
39 Niculasson Acsel m D5102246 Iceland 9.10 TK465
40 Garcia Arribas m XFA009475 Spain 9.10 TK465
41 Valliet Doka m BC8170548 Albania 20.40 TK457
42 Berdify Leonard m BC5301281 Albania 20.40 TK457
43 Robert Ierubino m 221732260 USA 9.20  
44 Horhe Zilhao m U112894 Portugal 15.00  
45 Rui Firmosinho m U112013 Portugal 15.00  
46 Drago Bitench m PB0479412 Slovenia 15.00  
47 Ales Chenta m PB0668738 Slovenia 15.00  
48 Igor Predovchec m 147004304 Croatia 20.10  
49 Vlasta Brcliachich f 086473714 Croatia 20.10  
50 Ucsel Basaran m 010285 Turkey 9.20  
51 Hans Georg Luber m W119045 Switzerland 11.25  
52 Flavien Shaller m F1595834 Switzerland 11.25  
53 Fedotov Igor m        
54 Ponomarev Vladislav m        
55 Homenko Alexei m        
56 Pliushev Alexei m        
57 Dumler Constantin m        
58 Gorovetsky Alexandr m        

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