Yugoslavian singer wins Grand Prix of "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" festival

The Yugoslav singer Ziki has won the Grand Prix and a premium of 10,000 dollars at the "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" festival.

The winners of a pop song contest called Vitebsk-2002 were announced in Vitebsk, a Belarussian city on the River Dvina, on Wednesday evening.

The festival's first prize and a premium of 3,000 dollars each went to Denis Barkanov /Ukraine/ and Tamara Gachicheladze /Georgia/. The runners-up, who won 2,000 dollars each, are Todor Georgiyev /Bulgaria/ and Alexandra Kirsanova /Belarus/. The third prize and 1,000 dollars each went to Yelena Gulyayeva /Russia/ and Natalia Podolskaya /Belarus/.

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