Russia, India set up working group to combat terrorism

Russia and India are setting up a joint working group to combat terrorism, Indian Foreign Minister Yashwant Sinha told a press conference that followed his Monday talks with his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov. He said the group would gather for its first session later this year.

"We agreed that the world community must combat terrorism jointly," he stressed.

On his part, the Russian foreign minister said both Russia and India were interested in "strengthening the international legal basis of anti-terrorist co-operation." According to Ivanov, Russia condemns all forms of terrorism and believes that "every country must combat terrorism and structures that support terrorist organisations." Moscow has "repeatedly stated clearly this position" in its talks with the Pakistani side, including at the top level, he reported.

The Pakistani leadership has recently been taking measures to stop terrorist activities in the country, and Moscow hopes "this effort will continue," said Russia's top diplomat.

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