Ex-foreign minister of Denmark calls on Baltic states to develop cooperation with Russia

While speaking at the 4th Baltic Economic Forum which opened in Riga on Monday, ex-foreign minister of Denmark Uffe Ellemann-Jensen called on the Baltic states to develop cooperation with Russia. The forum has gathered over 250 politicians, ministers, entrepreneurs and investors from 10 countries, including Russia. According to Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Russia should be integrated into the European economic space. Once enlarged, the EU will not be able to secure stability and sweeping development of its new members if Russia "stays away from these processes." On Tuesday, May 14th, a round table, Baltic States and Russia, will be held within the Baltic Economic Forum. At the round table Russia will be represented by the Novgorod region governor, Mikhail Prusak; the Pskov region governor, Yevgeny Mikhailov; Russian Financial Corporation President Vladimir Nechayev; a Moscow government minister, Vladimir Malyshkov and a St. Petersburg representative.

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