“Attention! PC-users, Internet adorers and computer games’ fans! April 26, your electronic friend is threatened with dangerous CIH!” – a warning of the kind was published yesterday in Chinese mass media. CIH virus got its name from his malefactor creator, Taiwan programmer Chien In Hau. Its other name is Chernobyl virus, because it is programmed to act yearly, the same day – April 26, as anniversary of Chernobyl catastrophe. And how many troubles the virus caused! W-95 and W-98-programmed computers are especially vulnerable for it. Only one CIH can completely deprive hard disk of its memory and leave the computer without data base. Total damage caused by CIH in the world April 26, 2000 made one billion dollars! Earlier, only in Beijing CIH completely neutralized 6,000 Chinese computers… All this was told yesterday by the CIH main enemy, head of one of the leading Chinese anti-virus labs, Lyu Syui. Although the Chinese trust in the anti-virus doctor, my Beijing friend advised me to liquidate the date: just to change “April 26” to some other date and after April 26 to return to the normal calendar.
Andrei Krushinsky PRAVDA.Ru Beijing
Translated by Vera Solovieva
Read the original in Russian: http://www.pravda.ru/main/2002/04/25/40327.html
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