On Wednesday, at his press conference in the city of Cherkassy, Petr Simonenko, leader of Ukrainian Communist Party, said that the today’s parliament election campaign would fluently transformed into 2004 presidential election campaign. From this point of view, there is no difference between blocks For United Ukraine and Our Ukraine, he said. Both blocks are created by the power, however they represent different power groups’ interests. According to Simonenko, “in the fight for presidential chair, Kuchma gave up the left wing to Donetsk clan, while the right wing – to the right wing parties flirting with the West.” Saying “the right wing,” Simonenko means Viktor Yuschenko’s block backed by Americans. The communist leader is sure that Madelaine Olbright’s recent visit to Ukraine was not accidental: the ex-Secretary of State has probably “reminded Kuchma of something and laid down some conditions,” of course for Our Ukraine block’s profit. While Petr Simonenko himself did not want to meet with Mrs Olbright, because “America openly meddles in Ukrainian election.” As the most significant example the fact was presented that the USA technically assists the Central Election Committee. According to Simonenko, the US votes counting system signifies already programmed result. While financing by Americans the election process was mentioned in January, in the Supreme Rada: “Last December Ukrainian television showed how M.Ryabets, chairman of the Central Election Committee and a representative of the US secret service signed an agreement about US “assistance” in preparation for the coming election. In particular, the US is foreseen to render propagandist literature to Ukraine in sum of 2 million grivnas (approximately $ 400,000). In the language of international legislature, such assistance means inadmissible meddling of one state in the other state’s affairs. If in the US or in another Western country election turned out to be financed by a foreign source, this would arouse an all-national scandal. Though what is condemned there, is admissible, from Washington’s view, in Ukraine.” In Cherkassy, Petr Simonenko one more time paid attention to US ambassador in Kiev Carlos Pasqual, saying that after such a meddling, the ambassador should be expelled from the country. Petr Simonenko supposes that the Ukrainian power has one task: to secure in any way 300-deputy majority in the parliament and afterwards to carry out a parliament coup – to make alterations in the Constitution and to remove restriction for two presidential periods. One more change is also possible: deputies could elect the president by the Supreme Rada – there is less risk to fail the election. According to Simonenko, only the Communist Party opposes all these evil intentions. This is why, the power “maximally uses the administration resource against communists.” Though at once an appeal to mass media followed “not to impose the opinion to people that the administration resource cannot be fought with.” Still, it can be fought with, and the Communist Party intends to demonstrate this thesis on practice. In particular, while answering the standing question about including Public Prosecutor General Mikhail Potebenko into the Party’s list, Petr Simonenko said that “we all will be only thanked, if we secure lawfulness through the Public Prosecutor General.” Andrei Lubenski PRAVDA.Ru Ukraine
Translated by Vera Solovieva
Read the original in Russian: http://www.pravda.ru/main/2002/02/21/37406.html
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