UES of Russia Looking at Proposals to Export Russian Electricity to South-East Europe

A protocol was signed in St. Petersburg on Friday, January 27 by the Russian-Bulgarian Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation in the Energy Sector. According to UES of Russia's (United Energy Systems) press office, board member Andrei Trapeznikov described the event as 'an important step in the work to organise Russian electricity exports to South-East Europe that we have been carrying out over the last ten years.' 'We have received a whole package of proposals from energy companies in a number of countries, such as Serbia, Macedonia, and Montenegro, which are experiencing electricity shortages. In our view, these proposals are fairly attractive,' he said. According to Trapeznikov, the markets in Greece and Northern Italy are also promising.

Trapeznikov said that the most important task now was to put the agreement into practice in a series of concrete agreements and contracts between energy countries in the two countries.

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