Low activity reported at UTS

The average-weighted dollar exchange rate lost 0.01 rubles and amounted to31.63 rubles after today's morning dollar session. As a result of that, theofficial dollar exchange rate set for tomorrow, September 17, went back tothe previous week's level. Experts from commercial banks draw attention tothe fact that traders were rather inactive at today's Unified TradingSession (UTS). Low volume of trading - a little over $61m - is goodevidence of that. It is the lowest since August 19, i.e. over almost onemonth. Compared to the previous day of trading, the volume of trading lost 25percent, i.e. $22m. Dealers link this to the situation with ruble liquiditygetting rather aggravated, due to a significant decrease in the rublebalance at correspondent accounts of Russian banks. Dollar buyers had tosharply cut their dollar purchases today..

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