Relatives of September 11 victims want to get one trillion dollars from Saudi princes, banks
It deems that Saudi princes are getting more and more bad luck. They might even lose power in their country. The relatives of those people that were killed during the tragic events of September 11th want to call them into criminal account.
As the BBC said, the claimants demanded the government of Sudan, several Saudi banks and Islamic charity funds should also be stand in the trial. The Sudanese government got on the list because of the fact that Osama bin Laden was living in Sudan for a certain period of time. They all are accused of funding terrorist organizations.
The list mentions three Saudis: Prince Mohammed al-Faisal and former intelligence chief Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Defense Minister Sultan bin Abdul Aziz al Saud.
The sum of the claim makes up one trillion dollars. The plaintiffs affirm that they are not being driven with the wish to get the money. They say that they need to punish the guilty people. The BBC cited Irene Spina, whose 38-year-old daughter Lisa died in the WTC: “It's not the money. We want to do something to get at these people. There's nothing else we can do.”
The plaintiffs can get those people indeed, especially the Saudi princes. The sum of their deposits in foreign banks reportedly makes up $600 billion. The majority of princes’ money is in the banks of the USA. If the plaintiffs manage to win the case, then the princes’ financial welfare is likely to get a big shake.
The lawsuit, which was filed by the relatives of the people, who died as a result of September 11th attacks, can cause a lot more damage to terrorists, in comparison with what special services do. It is an open secret that the Saudi government, as well as the so-called Islamic charity funds, have been funding terrorists, particularly in Chechnya. The governments of the Western countries, including the USA and Great Britain, were turning a blind eye on those funds and their activities until September 11th.
Saudi Arabia was American ally in the Muslim world. Washington was showing a big influence on the politics of the Muslim countries of the Mideast region. However, there are a lot of radicals in Saudi Arabia, and they are extremely unhappy about the pro-Western course of the royal family. The leadership of the country is trying to struggle with Islamites. However, repressions bring only good to the popularity of radical groups.
The Saudi authorities are giving way to Islamites’ pressure. The government is trying to suppress the discontent within the country, and funding terrorist groups is a “good” excuse for that. This is surely a big flaw to the foreign image of Saudi Arabia. The USA and Saudi Arabia are no longer together.
The position of the American government regarding the lawsuit that was filed by the relatives of September 11th victims is not completely clear, though. If the litigation starts, then it will take very much time indeed. It would be very hard to predict the outcome of it either.
Vasily Bubnov PRAVDA.Ru
Translated by Dmitry Sudakov
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