Zimbabwe: Opposition calls for UN to intervene

The Movement for Democratic Change has issued an international alert, claiming that Robert Mugabe’s regime is retaining food and distributing it only among his ZANU-PF supporters, while millions in areas where the MDC vote was high are facing starvation.

MDC Member of Parliament Roy Bennett spoke in London of impending widespread civilian unrest as ZANU-PF party members steal food aid from abroad and distribute it exclusively to cardholders of their party. He said that in a few weeks, there will be bloodshed in Zimbabwe unless there is a reaction from the international community.

He criticised Britain for turning its back on Zimbabwe, while it sends troops to the Balkans, Sierra Leone and Afghanistan. However, at the current time, when heavy restrictions are placed on Britain by Mugabe’s regime, there is little it can do alone to intervene.

Mr. Bennett declared that the Zimbabwean security forces will fire on the people in the forthcoming unrest and declared to the international community: “If you don’t do something quick, people are going to die in their thousands”.

Unfortunately the figure could be far higher. The UNO has issued warnings that up to six million people are at risk of malnutrition or starvation. UN World Food Programme director for East and Southern Africa, Judith Lewis, said that “At least half the people in Zimbabwe will need some sort of food assistance”.

Meanwhile Robert Mugabe systematically destroys the country’s farming infrastructure. Mr. Bennett’s farm has been attacked a number of times. In May 2000, his pregnant wife had a miscarriage when a gang of machete-wielding bandits held her at knifepoint and forced her to chant pro-Mugabe songs.

The MDC is trying to lobby the UNO to take action before it is too late and is launching a public awareness campaign as to the seriousness of the situation with the international community. One thing is certain: Robert Mugabe has evidently lost touch with reality.


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