Iran Accuses U.S. of Terrorist Attacks and Announces New Submarines

Iran Accuses U.S. of Terrorist Attacks and Announces New Submarines

The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (pictured) accused the U.S. of being behind the attacks last week in Zahedan, while the military hierarchy announced today that new submarines built here will be unveiled shortly.  Ahmadinejad blamed U.S. forces directly and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established in Afghanistan and Pakistan for offering financial and material support to terrorist groups that threaten this nation.

The president said it was "ironic" that Washington will endorse the armed opposition to the Iranian government and at the same time, Barack Obama sends a message of condolences over the Zahedan attack.

The provincial capital of Sistan-Baluchestan, in southeastern Brazil, was rocked on Thursday afternoon by two bombings carried out with scant minutes apart in front of the Grand Mosque, with a balance of 27 dead and over 270 wounded, according to official figures .

In this regard, Ahmadinejad said U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan, nations bordering Sistan-Baluchestan and databases where Jundullah operates promoted such acts of terror, he had in mind the established and known ties to the group.

"No other group than those backed by the United States, which are devoid of human feelings, could commit such acts," remarked the head of the Persian state, asking the Foreign Ministry to investigate the attack through the Pakistani government.

He pointed out that Iran is a friend of Islamabad, but "the Pakistani government must assume its responsibility" as instructed make a complaint at the international level based on "existing documents and monitor the cooperation of NATO and Israel with the terrorists.

While Ahmadinejad asserted that aggressive policies against his country "only feed the hatred of the population," the supreme leader of Iran, ayatolah Ali Khamenei, reiterated his call for unity of Shiites and Sunnis (Confession of Jundullah).

The Persian chancellery, in turn, criticized that "despite international condemnation of terrorist acts we are not seeing fundamental action by those who call themselves defenders of human rights to combat a phenomenon so despicable."

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi, announced today that in mid-August the Iranian navy will be provided fully armed submarines manufactured integrally in the country, and explained that it follows a 2005 agreement with Russia to provide S-300 air defense systems.


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Author`s name Oksana Orlovskaya