Nudism endangers human potency and health

It is not quite correct to blame nudists (aka naturists) for all the possible deadly sins. A respectable sociology professor stated that all nudists are perverts - either homosexuals or lesbians. Real life stories prove it is absolutely wrong to say so. Nudists never copulate at their special parties. And what is more, they carefully watch that nobody touches others. It is allowed just to pat someone on a shoulder in a friendly way.

In general, it seems that naturists do not aim at coupling ecstatically. We know that people do not need to be absolutely naked like nudists to have sexual contacts.

Some people believe that nudism terribly undermines potency, both male and female. The opinion is probably connected with the fact that if a human regularly sees naked bodies of the opposite sex they may some day stop to stimulate the person sexually. The same way when a man has the same pie for breakfast every day it may some day stop whetting his appetite. However, the opinion is not substantiated with any accurate research.

Much is written about the good and bad of nudism. Nudism followers always emphasize the fact that a human being comes to this world naked and that there were no clothes when life originated on this planet.

Let us take the hypothesis that a human being originated from apes. And those apes had no coats and hats, did they not? There is a joke saying that Adam and Eve were the first nudists in the world. They after all realized that nudity was sinful and later put on some clothes. But before that happened they still walked about naked for some time.

If we study antique arts we will see that the Hellinistic epoch when physically and intellectually perfect humans were not prohibited to stay naked was the Golden Age for naturists. Olympic Games athletes were always naked at that period. Sculptures of gods, philosophers, heroes, ordinary women and men made that epoch are basically naked.

In the Middle Ages, nudity was prohibited. At that, advocates of naturism formed sects such as Adamites who appeared in public and even in church without clothes. And those were just few instances. The cult of naked bodies revived in the late 19th – early 20th centuries when two important books, Heinrich Pudor’s “The Cult of Nudity” and Heinrich Ingewitter’s “Nudity”, came out in Germany.

A radical association called ‘Away with Shame!’ appeared in Russia right after the Great October Revolution of 1917. It was said that members of the association walked naked about the streets in Russian cities. It is known that some famous figures were also naturists: poet Maksimilian Voloshin who had a nudist beach in Koktebel in the Crimea where he received intellectuals; also ballet dancer Isadora Duncan, writers Bernard Shaw and Albert Camus wereknownasbelongingtonaturists.

Almost every big city in Russia has at least one nude beach or several of them. The biggest number of nudists is registered in Germany, Sweden and Belgium. The most popular nude beaches can be found in Spain, Croatia and Greece where the International Naturism Federation (INF) and Frei Korper Kult (FKK), the Cult of Naked Body, are based. International congresses of naturists are usually organized in different parts of the world once in two years.

Read more: The variety of nude beaches in the world

Travel agencies offer a great variety of tours to resorts with nudist beaches in Croatia, Crete, Spain, France and Carinthia. Such resorts are quite safe and offer luxurious services, comfortable restaurants and sports centers on the only condition that guests wear no swim suits. They can sometimes wear dhotis at most. Naturists say this is a struggle against clothes and the world of textile.

It is a tradition for many nudists to spend vacations and weekends outdoors with their families. When they go there alone they have a good chance to meet new friends. It is a disputable issue whether children should be allowed to nudist gatherings or not. If a parent wants to take his child to a nude beach or gathering he should first consult a children’s psychologist.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of nudism? Many of naturist couples meet their partners on nude beaches; some couples can even make successful families afterwards. When married, such people either give up naturism or join nudists from time to time. It may also happen that a husband who met his wife on a nude beach will some day in the future reproach the woman for joining nudism. After marriage, some of nudist husbands begin to be jealous of their wives appearing naked in other men's presence.

It is good news that walking naked is a wonderful opportunity to temper the organism and let the body ‘breathe’. But at the same time, nudism makes bodies open for infections that naturists may easily catch on beach.

The naturism movement is a good chance to meet new interesting people. At the same time, there is some risk that either people suffering from scopophilia or paparazzi may take a picture of you being on a nude beach and then use it illegally.

After all, naturism gives people a chance to gain their freedom and never be ashamed of their bodies. Indeed, psychologists say that when we liberate the body we thus set our mind and soul free. At the same time, some people may find unattractive ‘liberated’ bodies of naturists and even feel disgust.

Nudists say that it makes sense for everyone to try nudism to feel what it is and decide whether to follow it or not.

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov