It was reported on January 17, 2003 that after a mysterious object flew over taiga, microscopic balls of some strange origin were discovered in land digging in the city of Dalnegorsk. It is still unknown whether that was a meteorite, a fragment of a missile or a UFO. Doctor of technical science, academician in the Russian Academy of natural sciences and honorary member of the NY Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Garshits says that similar, but huge balls have been found in different parts of the world. They are called balls of antique gods. The scientists think that this fantastic story can be explained quite logically.
Anatoly Garshits told that a very interesting discovery had been made in the Central American republic of Costa Rica in the early 1940s. Workers who deforested the tropical jungle for future banana plantations suddenly came across giant stone sculptures of a regular globe form. The largest of them weighted about 16 tons. The smallest balls were not bigger than a ball with which children usually play, it was just 10 centimeters in diameter. The balls were placed in groups, each group included from three to fifty balls. The artifacts were called “balls with which gods played.” When scientists looked at the balls from board of a plane, the scene looked like a page from a geometry textbook. Rows of huge stone balls made up gigantic triangles, squares, circles and other more intricate figures of a regular form as if they were oriented especially according to the part of the world. And this scene stretched to dozens of kilometers! Who did it, when and why?
According to the original estimates made by archeologists, the age of the balls was referred to the 14-15th centuries of the Common Era when forefathers of Indians, Inca and Maya, were living in those places. It’s hardly believable that they could make lots of such balls without special instruments although cultures of the people were rather developed. Is it possible that some other civilization unknown to science lived on the territory of Costa Rica?
To investigate the issue intensive digging was started, which in their turn revealed more unbelievable facts. First of all, in those places where the huge balls were discovered no articles belonging to human life such as pots, instruments or decorations could be found. So, people could have no connection with the stone balls. Second, it turned out that the age of the artifacts was even older, different hypotheses said it could be from 100.000 to 500.000 years.
As the stone balls were grouped in forms resembling celestial constellations, it was suggested that they were probably astronomic observatories, a planetarium built by representatives of some other civilization. It was also suggested the place could be a ritual or war assemblage of some giant warriors. One hypothesis became the most popular: it said that guests from the space picked out the place for their cosmodrome, and the stone balls were limitation lines and guiding lines to determine their course. Many researchers took modern equipment that existed by that moment and agreed to wait for years till guests from the space would come to that place.
Unfortunately nobody arrived in that place. But later information appeared that similar stone sculptures were found in Mexico, Brazil, the USA, Australia, Nepal, Egypt, Kazakhstan, in Russia’s Altay and even in Franz Joseph Land. Later, they were found in the 1970s in Crimea and in the Caucasus.
One of scientists investigating the phenomenon, doctor of biological sciences Valentin Glazkov tells that incredible rumors were spread about hundreds of strange stone balls. For example, it was reported that there was some “anomalous field” around the balls where electrical appliances went mad, watch stopped and behavior of live organisms became abnormal. People visiting the zone where the balls were placed registered rapid pulse, disordered sleep and lapses of memory. Many sensational statements were made at that time in connection with the balls. For example, it was said the stone balls were tuned in particular waves to transmit information to the space; those who managed to establish a contact correctly could be healed of any disease and could also have any wish fulfilled. Such incredible statements became an incentive for more and more people wishing to visit the site where the balls were placed. The site became the place of mass pilgrimage. And, is it sometimes happens, some people actually were healed of their diseases and others were unbelievably lucky after the visited the place.
Three large balls found at the end of the 1970s in Guadalahara were delivered to the American University in the state of New York, where they were cut and thoroughly analyzed. No traces of material culture were found inside of the balls. And scientists declared that the artifacts couldn’t be made by human beings. The internal structure of the balls was complicated; it was a coiled alloy of rare-earth metals. Chemical properties of these alloys were actually mysterious. Nevertheless, geologists said that the balls were highly likely of natural origin. They had been created not by gods or creatures from the space; they appeared as a result of effect of such natural factors as water, wind and rain that had been washing ashes and ground for thousands of years. Obviously, several volcanoes awaked on the Central American territory 25-40 million years ago; convulsions of these volcanoes caused terrible earthquakes. Lava and red-hot ashes covered large territories. Glassy particles ejected from the volcanoes started making spheres which further turned into balls.
A ball of a regular form can appear only if crystallization goes equally in all directions. Leading research assistant of the Central Research Geology Institute of rare-earth and non-ferrous metals Yelena Matveyeva says that the balls emerged on the surface of the planet as a result of exfoliation, weathering that operates in regions with large daily overfall. Similar balls are found under the surface where temperatures are stable.
However, all scientists say that the phenomenon hasn’t been solved yet. Some granite balls cannot be described with this theory; it seems as if they were polished by humans. It’s not clear what giants made the huge balls and what tiny people made those small balls discovered in Dalnegorsk mentioned above. Can they be special signs sent to people living at present which we still cannot unriddle?
Natalia Leskova Material based on publications in Russian newspapers
Translated by Maria Gousseva
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