'Contributing Factor' in Jackson's Death - Propofol

ABC News has learned that the drug Propofol is connected to Jackson's death and that the final report will list the drug as a contributing factor, given that other drugs were also in the singer's system when he collapsed and died.

Additionally, an unnamed source familiar with the Michael Jackson death investigation told the AP that Dr. Murray was the one who administered the Propofol, ABC News reports.

Two days after Jackson's death, Dr. Murray told LAPD detectives he administered Propofol to the singer hours before he died ... this, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

Dr. Murray gave Jackson an IV drip of the powerful anesthesia. Police believe Dr. Murray simply wasn't paying attention when the singer's heart stopped beating.

Authorities believe Dr. Murray may have actually fallen asleep during the time the drug was administered and may have awakened to find Jackson already dead from heart failure, TMZ.com reports.

Meanwhile the official told the Associated Press anonymously, that the drug caused the cardiac arrest.

However police say Murray is not a suspect. His lawyer says he "didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Michael Jackson," and wouldn’t comment further, NME.com reports.

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