Idaho cops shoot pregnant woman

35 year old Jeanetta, who was pregnant with the fourth child, suffered from mental problems and threatened to kill herself. Shane Riley took his pregnant wife to Bronner General Hospital in Sandpoint, Idaho. She asked her husband to call the police and pulled out a knife.

The police officers that arrived in a 15 min time shot a pregnant woman dead after she had refused to drop the knife.

Riley was shot in the chest and hit in the liver as well as her shoulder, back and heart, as it is stated in the autopsy report.

Riley's ex-husband is now suing the city for $2 million, as the officers ended his wife's life as well as her pregnancy with his daughter. The suit alleges that "One or more of the above-named police officers (Skyler Ziegler, 29 and Michael Valenzuela, 27) shot and killed Ms Riley, thereby inflicting excessive and unnecessary force upon a mentally disturbed patient who was armed only with a knife. The officers caused a lethal confrontation that any reasonable person could have avoided and they should have been trained to avoid".

Also read: US police shoot children for playing with toy guns

Both officers were cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, and no apology has been issued for her death. The department claimed that they followed all proper procedures when they chose to use an AR-15 assault rifle on the mentally ill, pregnant woman. They are yet to explain why a less-than-lethal weapon like a taser was not used instead.

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