United Kingdom openly supports terrorism in Syria

The United Kingdom intends to initiate talks with armed gangs who are fighting to overthrow the Syrian President, Bashar al-Asad, and provide advice. David Cameron, in what is a clear intervention in the Syrian crisis, gave the green light to British officials to advise the commanders of armed gangs.

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, in what is a clear intervention in the Syrian crisis, gave the green light to British officials to advise the commanders of armed gangs who are fighting against the forces of the government of Damascus this fall.

The authorities indicate that the talks are designed to help the armed Syrian opposition to bring together an army in order to forcibly change the government.

However, Cameron, in a clear signal that he would like to go further, said in an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper, that he is frustrated by the embargo of the European Union (EU) on the shipment of arms to Syria, as the United Kingdom participated as an onlooker.

"We must ask ourselves what more can we do to help the opposition", he declared, and also added that currently they do not supply weapons to Syrian insurgents.

The British Prime Minister, who is touring countries in the Middle East, is scheduled to visit a refugee camp on the border of Jordan with Syria, where the announcement that the United Kingdom will deliver 14.5 million pounds (18 million euros) of humanitarian aid to the agencies of the United Nations (UN) is expected Wednesday.

The talks with the heads of the armed gangs that put the United Kingdom one step from military intervention in the Arab country, will be announced this Wednesday to the British Parliament by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, William Hague.  John Wilks, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Envoy of Cameron in his contacts with the Syrian opposition, will be in charge.

So far, British government contacts have been limited to dialogues with the civilian factions of the Syrian opposition forces, the very self-styled Free Syrian Army (FSA).

Already, it has been 20 months in which Syria has been living in the lawlessness and anarchy that they provoke and promote, with their offenses and attacks.  Armed gangs and terrorists, sponsored from abroad:  the results are a huge number of dead civilians and members of government forces.

Interference by some western and regional countries that openly provide financial, arms and logistical support to opponents, have aggravated the situation in the Arab country.

Translated from the Spanish version by:

Lisa Karpova


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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey