By Olivia Kroth
Sources: Blog Hugo Chávez, Blog Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy, Correo del Orinoco, El Polvorin, Patria Grande, Pravda, Prensa Latina, Press TV, Venezuelanalysis, Voltaire Network
The more popularity President Hugo Chávez acquires and the better his re-election campaign advances, the more desperation is evident in his right wing opponent whom the Venezuelan crowds have dubbed "El Majunche" (Mediocre). He is ridiculed in many cartoons, satires and personal blogs, yet the threat he poses for the Bolivarian Revolution must not be underrated. The Majunche is supported by the North American would-be-imperialists and by Zionists of all shades.
In several speeches, President Chávez warned the population to be careful. Patria Grande reprinted one of his warnings, "The right wing opposition hates our people. They want to grab our natural resources and give them away." He said he knows that CIA agents are busy in Venezuela, preparing the country's destabilization.
The opposition candidate refuses to recognize the Venezuelan Electoral Committee. Does this mean that the right wing parties will dispute the election results on the 7th of October? They know that their mediocre candidate does not stand the slightest chance of being elected. Will they resort to devious tricks?
Diosdado Cabello, First Vice-President of Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV), was quoted by Correo del Orinoco as saying that the right wing opposition candidate plans to denounce the elections as fraudulent. He informed the public that he had noticed several activities of opposition leaders, pointing into this direction.
Thankfully, the UNASUR Electoral Council will send observers to Venezuela. Facing these observers from the UNASUR member countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Uruguay, will El Majunche nevertheless display the chutzpah of shouting "fraud"?
Jaqueline Faria, Governor of the Capital District, denounced "foreign governments financing the opposition bandit" in an article published by Correo del Orinoco. She pointed out, "He is getting plenty of US dollars for his electoral campaign from abroad, but there is no space for capitalism in our country."
In his Sunday TV program "Vicente Today" (Vicente Hoy), the Venezuelan lawyer and journalist, José Vicente Rangel, announced that USAID is financing the Majunche. He quoted US Zionist, Mark Feierstein, who had previously confirmed that his country was financing right wing opposition organizations in Venezuela and Cuba through USAID.
USAID and NED, both well-known CIA facades, also target Venezuelan youth at universities, offering them money to work for the imperialist agenda in Venezuela. Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy, a retired Cuban Intelligence Officer who also trained Venezuelan Intelligence agents, wrote a series of articles for Patria Grande about the CIA in Venezuela. 1)
On his Cuban blog, Discovering Truths (Descubriendo Verdades), he explains the methods used by the CIA to catch Venezuelan students. This article was reprinted by Patria Grande in Venezuela. The US Embassy in Caracas, USAID, NED, but also institutions of other NATO countries, for example Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung in the Federal Republic of Germany, recruit students at Venezuelan universities by offering them scholarships and other financial bonuses. Among the US scholarships, Fulbright and Hubert H. Humphrey are the most notorious.
Thus, they recruited and trained Freddy Guevara, Gabriel Alejandro Gallo Garrido, Nixon Moreno, Ricardo Sánchez, Stalin Gonzáles, Villca Fernández and Yon Goicoechea, to name just a few of the Venezuelan right wing student leaders, who are all active campaigners for the Majunche, except Nixon Moreno who fled to Perú because he is wanted by Interpol for violence against the Venezuelan Police.
In 2009, about 100 people of this Venezuelan right wing youth were invited to Miami, where they received training in the subversive techniques of organizing hunger strikes, preparing Molotov cocktails and other destabilizing actions to be carried out in Venezuela.
These right wing students met with CIA agents and Miami Mafia, Venezuelan terrorists who fled the country. The former Cuban Intelligence Officer gives the names of Antonio Semprún Valecillos, Donatella Ungreddaen, Henry Clement, José Antonio Colina, Isaac Solórzano, Manuel Ramírez, Pablo Díaz, Rafael Poleo and his daughter Patricia Poleo.
In June 2011, the Venezuelan right wing students organized a large destabilization campaign with the methods they had learned from the CIA and Miami gangsters, targeting the National Experimental University Francisco de Miranda, the Technological Institute in Coro and the University of Falcón. Furthermore, they assaulted the seat of CORPOELEC in Coro, state of Falcón. All in all, the retired Cuban Intelligence Officer records 31 destabilizing activities of the Venezuelan right wing youth in 2011.
He points out that there is a new generation emerging, taking over from the older ones, all of them supporting the Majunche. He names Alberto Montes de Oca, Angel Medina, Brian Fincheltub, David Smolansky, Eliana Vásquez, Juan Gómez, Julio César Aponte, Luis Méndez, Miguel Pizarro, Roberto Patino, Tanya De Oliveira and Victor Viloria Rosales.
Most of these students were recruited by the US Embassy in Caracas and trained with various programs, one of them named "Democracy for young political leaders" (La Democracia para los jóvenes líderes politicos). Some of the more prominent right wing student leaders were invited by the US State Department to participate in further indoctrination programs.
Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy gives the names of some of these participants: Aimara Tibisay Ribas Palacios (University of Los Andes, Mérida), Anaís de los Ángeles Plaza Izquierdo (Coordinator of the National Student Organization of Venezuela's right wing party Un Nuevo Tiempo), Angel del Jesús Paredes Monsalve (University of Los Andes, Mérida),Danny Alejandro Ramírez Contreras (San Cristóbal, state of Táchira), Gabriel Alejandro Gallo Garrido (Head of the National Student Council in the Capital District), José Ignacio Cayetano Guédez Yépez (Vice-President of the right wing party Un Nuevo Tiempo in the state of Lara), Víctor Martín Pérez Moreno (University of the East), Zaimar Yulieth Castillo Carvaial (Secretary of the right wing students federation of Venezuela, FEDEVE).
The Cuban Intelligence Officer warns that those right wing circles are preparing disturbances for the weeks before, during and after the presidential election. Aggressions against left student leaders, attacks on PSUV headquarters, burning vehicles, throwing Molotov cocktails, street barricades, provocation of armed forces and police are the methods to be used. According to Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy, they are also preparing strong disturbances at the University Simón Bolívar, the College of Engineering and other public places of Caracas.
He reports that Venezuelan right wing student leaders met frequently with CIA agents on Venezuelan territory. These secret meetings did not go unnoticed, though. Comprehensive destabilization plans were hatched out during these meetings, to terrorize the Venezuelan population and obstruct the Bolivarian Revolution.
Ironically, the Majunche, who offers a cynical "Security Plan for Everybody" (Plan de Seguridad para Todos) as part of his election campaign, has knowledge and approves of the right wing students' subversive activities which shall help him to come into power.
Additionally, the CIA in Venezuela tries to influence public opinion via the internet, literature and workshops, mainly offered by the US Embassy in Caracas. Some of these programs, targeting Venezuelan youth, are named "Civic Education" (Educación Cívica), "Democratic Ideas and Values" (Ideas Democráticas y Valores) and "Human Rights" (Derechos humanos).
Preparing and carrying out these programs has cost the imperialists enormous sums of money. The participants are chosen, screened and monitored by the CIA in Venezuela, whose chief is supposed to be James M. Derham, main functionary at the US Embassy of Caracas, which lacks an Ambassador. James M. Derham occupied former CIA and USAID posts in Brasil, Cuba, Guatemala and Mexico.
The Majunche is not only receiving help from the North American would-be-imperialists, but also from Zionists in Central and South America. Venezuelanalysis reported that he recently met with Colombia's ex-president, Zionist, Álvaro Uribe, in the Venezuelan border town of Cucuta, state of Táchira. This meeting was planned to be secret, but did not go unnoticed either. Of course, some of the consultations went on behind closed doors. Uribe's poorly attended public speech, in which he attacked President Chávez, did not go down well with the local population.
Uribe's hostile twitter attacks against Hugo Chávez, branding him as "dictator" and "murderer," stirred controversy in Venezuela and caused a backlash. Activists in the state of Táchira accused Uribe of financing the Majunche and provoking violence, according to PSUV member, Ismel Serrano.
PSUV Vice-President, Diosdado Cabello, retorted that Uribe was not the right person to bring up accusations of "murder," he himself holding a very dubious human rights record during his time as President of Colombia from 2000 to 2010. Mass graves of 2.000 people have been discovered in Colombia, the victims were tortured and shot during Uribe's regime. Furthermore, in 2004, Newsweek magazine cited him as being number 82 on a list of 104 notorious Colombian cocaine dealers.
Instead of remaining quiet to make people forget about his criminal record, Zionist Uribe is voicing aggressive tirades against Hugo Chávez and keeps plotting intrigues against the Venezuelan government, in close contact with and financed by the CIA, Mossad and its various cover organizations in Latin America.
As early as February 2010, the online magazine El Polvorin pointed out heightened Zionist activities in the region, their central location being Panamá. According to El Polvorin, Zionist agents were involved in the attempted coup d'état of 2002 in Venezuela, with El Majunche storming the Cuban Embassy in Caracas, threatening to kill the Cuban Ambassador. The coup d'état failed, but CIA and Mossad have not given up their plans of ousting President Chávez as soon as possible.
In his Sunday TV show emitted by Televen, José Vicente Rangel also warned of Mossad activities in Venezuela. He named Ernesto Ackerman, head of the Mossad branch in Miami, as being responsible. Furthermore the organization Independent Venezuelan-American Citizens (IVAC) is involved.
Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy equally confirms Mossad support for El Majunche. On his blog, he names two Mossad cover firms in Panamá which were contracted to send "security personnel" for the Majunche to Venezuela: Marksman Latin America S.A. and Seguridad & Inteligencia, both seated in Ciudad Panamá.
According to his sources, which the retired Cuban agent does not name, the order was directly given by Benjamin Netanjahu in Israel, passed on to Antonio Ledesma. Because Netanjahu and the Mossad do not want to be named directly, the cover agencies in Panamá were chosen. They have excellent contacts and widespread activities in Colombia, Guatemala, Panamá and Perú.
One of their main activities in Colombia, according to Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy, is arms trafficking, for which they built up good relations with former Colombian Intelligence. He names as heads of Marksman Latin America S.A.: Marcos Shrem M., Marcos Shrem Gateno and Moris Shrem Gateno. The firm's address is Avenida Central, 8 - 103, Ciudad Panamá, telephone number 447.12.77. Other Mossad agents' names in Panamá are disclosed by the retired Cuban agent as well: Amar Salmar, B. Ziv, Ori Zoller, Shimon Yelinek and Yair Klein.
Besides calling Mossad agents into the country, the Venezuelan right wing plans to divide the Venezuelan armed forces, trying to cause defections. One project that went entirely wrong was the Majunche's attempt to falsify an army document. The plot was carried out in such an amateurish way that people laughed for weeks, telling all kinds of jokes about it.
The falsified document showed a wrong date, a wrong stamp, but above all, a wrong name. At the time it had been issued, in 2011, Carlos Mata was Venezuela's Minister of Defense. Instead, the forged signature on the document was that of Venezuela's current Minister of Defense, Henry Rangel. The document was dated into the future, 30th of July, but posted on the internet by the Majunche at the beginning of July. He seems to be mediocre in everything his tries, including forgery.
PSUV Vice-President, Diosdado Cabello, remarked that the opposition candidate obviously does not know the Venezuelan armed forces. He has never served in them, in contrast to Comandante Chávez, who was an active member for many years. Today, he is the Supreme Commander of FANB, a position which the imperialist puppet will never be able to occupy.
Furious Venezuelan citizens bombarded the Majunche with twitter messages, telling him to ask for pardon. Patria Grande reprinted some of them: "Ask for pardon! You are a tremendous delinquent", @Chalita2222 wrote. "Ask for pardon because of such a lie, manipulation campaign and so much banality", @liliamarga demanded. "You are a hypocrite! Ah, you stupid muchacho," @frenckelnegro chided. "Forging military documents is part of the false recommendations Uribe gave you," @gamboas twittered.
In Patria Grande, journalist Ángel Pérez Pirela even demanded the opposition candidate's resignation, but the Majunche neither asked for pardon nor did he resign. On the contrary, he keeps scraping along, his eyes wild with fury. The photos showing his face during official speeches are horrible to look at. We might wonder when foam will appear on his lips. Indeed, he bears no small resemblance to a rabid dog, these days.
Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy writes in Patria Grande that causing breaches within the armed forces is one of the CIA methods of destabilization. So far, the Majunche has tried to follow the CIA script, albeit with very little success.
The retired Cuban agent knows that as early as in the 1960s, the CIA carried out similar destabilization operations in Cuba. One of them was called "Operación Mangosta," another one "Operación Defector," with which the CIA attempted to induce desertion among high-ranking Cuban military officers. A third CIA program was named "Operación Heat is on," by which Cuban combat pilots were tempted to defect. These attempts to sow distrust in the Cuban ranks of MININT and MINFAR failed, however.
The same procedures were applied by the CIA in Iraq, the Libyan Jamahiriya, and are now being applied in Syria and Venezuela. But the Venezuelan President is no dupe, just as the Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, is no fool either.
Hugo Chávez recently uncovered these CIA plans in public, "The CIA operates in Venezuela, the CIA goes about operating here, they are going about looking for discontented generals, for military personnel who would like to repeat what happened on the Plaza Altamira," referring to the failed coup d'état in 2002.
In the past decade, an alliance of Cuban and Venezuelan counter-revolutionaries has formed, the retired Cuban Intelligence Officer knows. This alliance is promoted by the Miami Mafia, CIA, Mossad and the US State Department.
He gives a list of names. They are all Venezuelan ex-military men and anti-Chavistas, conspiring from abroad, mainly from Florida: Henry José Lugo Pena, Oscar Betancourt Patino, Yucepe Piliery Carmona, Domingo Santana Gómez, Antonio Semprún Valecillos, Ulice Hernández Ferrer, José Salas La Riva, Manuel Ramírez Wendehaken, Hersomino José Pérez, Carlos Rodríguez Rivera, Antonio Ríos Rojas, Juan Villalobos Franchi, Isaac Solórzano Guerrero, Henry Clement Blanco, Pedro Flores Rivero, Iván Rojas López, Javier Nieto Quintero and Freddy Arguelles León. Some of these former military men recently sent a letter to the US President, demanding US military intervention in Venezuela.
Not only do they participate in US TV shows, shedding a negative light on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, but they also carry out serious subversive activities. They try to get information about new equipment from the FANB and pass it on, they participate in CIA analyses and profiles of Venezuelan Admirals and Generals, they help to prepare sabotage acts of military technology in Venezuela.
The retired Cuban Intelligence Officer concludes that it is of the utmost importance for the Bolivarian Government to continue its political and ideological work with the FANB, including the officers in all changes and processes. Furthermore, constant vigilance is necessary, inside of the FANB and outside as well, to counteract CIA and Mossad plans.
Last, but not least, one of the bloodiest and cruelest CIA plans for Venezuela is to commit terrorist attacks, especially in the Metro of Caracas during rush hours. Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy writes in Patria Grande that sabotage acts against the Caracas Metro System are likely before and during the presidential election.
Everybody is aware of CIA cruelty, their truculent plots and their macabre medical experiments, he writes. They want to cause chaos and fear. They will stop short of nothing, because they want to stop the Bolivarian Revolution at all costs. He knows that the CIA is currently searching for vulnerable points in the Caracas Metro System.
He names several departments which are involved: KUCAGE (paramilitary), KUCLUB (communications), KUGOWN (propaganda), KUHOOK (logistics), KUSODA (interrogation), ODACID (representation of the US State Department) and ODEARL (officials of the US Department of Defense).
Why the Metro system of Caracas? It is used by millions of people during peak times. Bomb attacks will cause a maximum of damage, costing a maximum of human lives. The media effect will be used against President Chávez. The Metro system of Caracas comprises 4 lines with 44 stations, lines 5 and 6 are already planned.
Metro attacks are well-known. In the majority of cases, the terrorists served CIA and Mossad plans, for example the Metro attacks in Moscow (1996 and 2010) or the Metro attack in Minsk, Belarus (2011).
The retired Cuban Security Officer advises the following steps to guarantee security: profound studies of vulnerable points in the stations and the trains; establishing sensors, video cameras and military patrols; acquainting Metro personnel with all possible sources and types of danger, training them to detect suspicious hints, reporting them and reacting accordingly; fortifying the citizens' awareness and responsibilities to alert personnel if they detect suspicious parcels or people in the stations or trains; patrolling all the lines and tunnels with bomb detectors day and night; 24/7 surveillance of people who have previously been identified already as potential terrorists and all known right wing opposition activists; heightened vigilance and surveillance of all airports, seaports and borders, especially the border to Colombia.
The CIA and Mossad will probably try to send terrorists across the Colombian border into Venezuela, just like they are now sending terrorists across the Turkish and Jordanian borders into Syria.
The Venezuelan journalist, José Vicente Rangel, equally knows that "open or hidden violence" is a "characteristic feature of the Venezuelan opposition." Since the 11th of April 2002, when they tried to oust President Chávez, their violent plots have never stopped. "They may hatch new attacks secretly, but these will come out into the open soon enough, as the election date is nearing," he recently warned in his TV show, Vicente Today.
Beware, Venezuela! Your democracy, independence and security are at stake. May God bless and protect all people of good will and punish all those that deserve punishment.
1) Short biography of Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy:
Born on the 18th of July 1949 in Guatemala; his parents, Carlos Conrado de Jesús Alvarado Marín and Marta Alicia Godoy Munoz, taught him the revolutionary ideals for which he has been fighting all his life. His father was a member of the National Revolutionary Milicias and later joined the Cuban Intelligence Services, where he served under the name of "Mercy." The son followed in his footsteps. Percy moved to Cuba in 1960 with his family. From 1971 to 1976, he studied Social Sciences and Police Investigation at the University of La Havana. After his studies, he joined the Cuban Intelligence Services and worked as agent under the name of "Fraile" (Monk). The Monk was able to infiltrate the criminal terrorist National Cuban-American Foundation which had planned bomb attacks in the Cabaret Tropicana and other tourist spots of La Havana. Thanks to the Monk, these and other plots were detected and people's lives saved. In his capacity as security specialist, he was sent to Venezuela to help with the training of Venezuelan Security Forces.
Since his retirement, he has been working as investigative journalist, writing articles for Cuba Debate, Patria Grande, Rebelión and on his personal blog. He also published a book about his years in the Cuban Security Services with the title "Confessions of the Monk" (Confesiones de Fraile).
2) Personal Blog of Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy in La Havana, Cuba: Descubriendo Verdades (Discovering Truths)in Spanish
Prepared for publication by:
Lisa Karpova
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