As George Bush and Tony Blair readied themselves to give their speech, perversely, or not, in Istanbul, another atrocity gave them the perfect escuse they needed to link Iraq with international terrorism and look for the next country to invade.
November 20th 2003, a day for the Truth to defend.
Thursday, November 20th 2003 was one of those crucial moments which appear from time to time, forming a turning point in history. It was one of these days when an attempt was, or will be, made to re-write the history book. However, it is the duty of all those who defend the Truth to set the record straight.
As President Bush and Prime Minister Blair were preparing themselves to give their briefing in the Foreign office, justifying their War on Terror which has gradually been sculpted to encompass Iraq, an atrocity the other side of Europe gave them the justification they needed to claim that their armed forces are in Iraq to stop precisely this kind of terrorist attack.
If they craft their actions and words carefully, history will believe them, so credible is their story and so easy it is for the gullible or uninformed to consume. Although there has been no evidence whatsoever linking the government of Saddam Hussein to the terrorist attack in New York on September 11th and although President Bush has declared this more than once, the attempts have been made time and again by the media and by the governments of Washington and London to insinuate that Iraq and terrorism are in the same package.
First it was the forged documents linking Baghdad to some ploy to obtain yellowcake uranium from Niger then it was the claim that Baghdad posed a "serious threat" to the USA and its allies. After this, every time Iraq was mentioned by government officials from the two countries, international terrorism was mentioned in the same breath.
The atrocity took place, Washington and London attacked Iraq outside the UNSC because they knew that diplomacy and democracy would defeat their aim - to invade Iraq at whatever cost - basically because they had jumped the gun, reached the wrong conclusion, gone too far, too fast and did not have the courage to admit the mistake and turn back. The result is 10,000 civilians slaughtered, 16,000 injured or mutilated for life and countless other related deaths through illness caused by disease, caused in turn by the vicious assault on the civilian infrastructures of the country.
The NATO sycophants which jump when Washington tells them to (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland) and a handful of others sent their troops to Iraq to give the assault an air of credibility, if not legitimacy, as an "international coalition" was formed.
The fight for freedom began. Not by the invading hordes, which slaughtered soldier and civilian alike, but by the Iraqi freedom fighters, fighting for the liberation of their country. Acts which were dubbed heroic by the French Resistance during the Second World War were now dubbed as acts of terrorism - and the supposed link between Al Qaeda and Iraq became easier to find.
No mention of the fact that Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein hated each other, no mention of the fact that Saddam Hussein never supported Al Qaeda and no mention of the fact that Saddam Hussein was one of the first international leaders to express his horror at the atrocity called 9/11.
If there is a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq, if there are Al Qada operationals inside Iraq, it is only now, after the aggression by the USA against a sovereign Arab nation caused every Moslem radical to answer the call to fight the invader, as any patriotic citizen would stand and fight for his country if it is invaded.
This is the truth which Washington and London will try to hide. As George Bush and Tony Blair readied themselves to give their speech, perversely, or not, in Istanbul, another atrocity gave them the perfect escuse they needed to link Iraq with international terrorism and look for the next country to invade.
Already Hezbollah is mentioned as being linked with Al Qaeda and already the Iranian link with Hezbollah is being made. How convenient a terrorist attack can be to change the course of history and attempt to re-write the books.
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