North Korea: government accuses U.S. of aerial espionage

North Korea: government accuses U.S. of aerial espionage
North Korea: government accuses U.S. of aerial espionage

North Korea routinely accuses the U.S. of aerial espionage, issuing a tally of such flights at the end of every month. The U.S. military doesn't comment, although it acknowledges monitoring North Korean military activity.

The U.S. used an RC-135 plane based in Japan, U-2 and other reconnaissance aircraft to spy on "strategic targets" in the North, said the North's Korean Central News Agency, citing unidentified military officials.

Intelligence reports have said North Korea placed a long-range missile, Taepodong-2, on a pad in preparation to test-fire it. Experts say the missile can reach as far as the U.S. mainland.

North Korea accuses Washington of being hostile toward it and looking for a chance to attack it. The U.S. denies that, the AP reports.

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