Gunmen kill Shiite family of four; car bomb wounds two in Baghdad

The Gunmen killed a Shiite family of four in their home in southern Baghdad, police said Monday

The men lined up a brother, two sisters, and their uncle against the wall in their home in Dora and shot each of them late Sunday, police Lt. Maithem Abdel-Razzaq said. The father of the family, a grocery shop owner, had been killed six months earlier by gunmen, he said.

The mother was out visiting relatives at the time of the attack, police said.

Sectarian violence has inflamed the capital, where execution-style killings have become common and hundreds of bodies have been found in the weeks after the Feb. 22 bombing of an important Shiite shrine in Samarra.

Also in Dora, one of Baghdad's most dangerous neighborhoods, drive-by shooters killed a police captain outside his home late Sunday, police said.

Early Monday, a car bomb exploded in the central district of Karradah, wounding two civilians, police said, reports the AP.


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