Russia and EU prepare conceptual documents on integration in energy sphere

By their next summit slated to be held in Rome on November 11 Russia and the European Union are preparing conceptual documents on integration in the energy sphere and on creating single economic space, vice-chairman of the government of Russia Viktor Khristenko told journalists in Brussels.

On Monday he held working meetings with high-placed representatives of the European Commission within the Russian-European energy dialogue and the High-Level Group on European Economic Space.

The sides agreed on preparing a summarising report on the energy dialogue, which must be based on two conceptual documents: the Energy Strategy of Russia till the Year of 2020 and the Energy Strategy of the European Union for the same period.

"It is realistic to speak of accepting the thesis of common energy space, and from the strategic standpoint it is the key result of today's meetings in the field of the energy dialogue", Khristenko said.

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