U.S. Administration for Closer Commercial and Economic Links with Russia

The US Administration confirms its will to extend commercial and economic partnership with Russia, says Alexei Gordeyev, Russia's Minister of Agriculture and Deputy Prime Minister.

He addressed a news conference in Washington, D.C., yesterday after a bilateral memorandum on agricultural partnership was signed at the Russian Embassy.

Mr. Gordeyev had met with Vice-President Richard Cheney, Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman, Secretary of Commerce Donald Evans, and certain other members of the US Administration. They all confirmed their country's great interest in commercial contacts with Russia, particularly in power industry, leading-edge communications, high technologies, banking and other promising spheres.

As the US Administration sees it, commercial and other economic contacts with Russia are essential for America, especially in the context of a forthcoming bilateral summit. Its agenda envisages extensive discussions of such contacts, Ann Veneman said.

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