Teheran Suggests Mediating Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Iran is ready to mediate the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, if the concerned parties ask Teheran for help. This was disclosed to reporters here in the evening of April 28 by Iran's Foreign Minister Kamal Harrazi.

Moreover, Harrazi positively assessed talks between President Geidar Aliyev of Azerbaijan and President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia for the sake of settling this conflict by peaceful means.

Talking about relations between the United States and regional countries, Harrazi noted that there will be no problems during the development of such relations, if mutual cooperation implies non-interference in the internal affairs of Trans-Caucasian countries, if such cooperation develops on a parity basis, and if it heeds the sides' interests.

Quite possibly, Iran and Azerbaijan might reach consensus in defining the Caspian Sea's legal status, before President Mohammad Hatami of Iran pays an official visit to Baku, Harrazi added.

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