Russian Security Council Secretary On Anti-terrorist Cooperation

Only a consolidation of the international community's efforts can rescue the world from the "terrorist Internationale", according to Vladimir Rushailo, the secretary of the Russian Security Council. Being the chairman of the Security Council Secretaries' Committee, Rushailo opened its session in the Zaslavl residence in Belarus on Thursday. The committee's members are secretaries of Security Councils of the Collective Security Treaty member-states. "All democratic principles can be of any value only if we can protect them," Rushailo stressed. The September 11 terrorist assault was an eloquent testimony to the vulnerability of the modern world when facing the 'terrorist Internationale'. The Russian Security Council Secretary thinks that "collective efforts in the combat against this evil" will be advantageous for all states, including those of the CIS. According to Rushailo, "the Commonwealth of Independent States has not run out of its capabilities, including those related to national security issues; and the recent CIS summit testified to that." The CIS heads of state worked out a programme which is to be implemented by heads of national security institutions of the allied nations. Rushailo said that the security council secretaries were feeling the constant support of their countries' presidents. He noted that it was Russian President Vladimir Putin who gave the Russian delegation instructions to promote consolidation of efforts and deepening cooperation with other CIS and Collective Security Treaty member-states, aimed at fighting international terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime, and other challenges of modernity.

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