Un High Commissioner Suggests Setting Up International Mission Of Observers On Occupied Palestinian Territories

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Mary Robinson has suggested setting up an international mission of observers on occupied Palestinian territories, the UN Moscow Information Center said Friday. Ms. Robinson addressed the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the 4th Geneva Convention, saying the UN Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human Rights Commission had repeatedly confirmed that the 1949 Geneva Convention, which deals with protection of civilian population in wartime, could be applied de jure to Palestinian territories. According to the UN official, inhabitants of occupied territories need protection in accordance with the 4th Geneva Convention. "I'd like to repeat my appeal to set up an international mission of observers on occupied Palestinian territories," she said. "I call on Israelis and Palestinians to make an effort and find a way to resume talks with the purpose of achieving peace through a just and long-term decision corresponding with fundamental international norms of human rights and humanitarian law."

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