Nearly half of Ukrainians want Kyiv to start negotiating peace with Moscow

Half of Ukrainians believe time has come for Kyiv to start peace talks with Moscow

Almost half of Ukrainians support the need to start negotiations with Russia in the near future, a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center for Zerkalo Nedeli (Mirror of the Week) publication said.

Forty-four percent of Ukrainians agreed with the statement that the time has come for Kyiv to negotiate peace with Russia. The support for this initiative was the largest in Ukraine's southern regions (60 percent).

As for western regions of Ukraine, only 35 percent of respondents believe that Kyiv should sit down to negotiate peace with Moscow. Those residing in eastern regions of the country are also doubtful on the subject.

Earlier, it was reported that almost 50 percent of Ukrainians agreed to territorial concessions to Russia in exchange for membership in NATO and the EU. 45 percent of respondents agreed to make concessions to Russia in exchange for "freedom of choice.”

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Author`s name Pavel Morozov
Editor Dmitry Sudakov