Nebraska woman sues homosexuals

Sylvia Driskell, a resident of Nebraska filed a federal lawsuit against all the American homosexuals.

Driskell intends to stand up for the moral principles of the United States and will represent herself in court.

The country has largely strayed away from moral fortitude upon which it was originally founded. About 3.4 percent of American citizens officially identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

An American woman does not want to tolerate those with same-sex inclinations. "I never thought that I would see a day in which our great nation or our own great state of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some people lewd behavior," she said, claiming that all heterosexuals silently condone homosexuality by not taking a harsh stance against it.

Driskell wrote a seven-page petition that also references the Bible. God has decreed homosexuality to be an abomination. Driskell asserts "that homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet."

The court is to think hard on the issue, so that the justice system wouldn't find God a liar.

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Also read: Homosexual shadow of the Vatican

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