Elton John's photographic collection exhibit closed for child pornography

A British gallery closed an exhibition featuring the Elton John's photographic collection. Earlier it had turned over a photograph belonging to the star to police amid concerns that it amounted to child pornography.

The BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art, in Gateshead, northeastern England, said it closed "Thanksgiving," an installation of 149 pictures by American photographer Nan Goldin, at John's request.

"After the removal of one image from the series it was no longer possible for BALTIC to exhibit the collection of works as the artist intended," the gallery said in a statement. "Therefore BALTIC is sympathetic to Sir Elton John's request and supportive of the decision."

The gallery alerted police to one of the "Thanksgiving" pictures on Sept. 20, and authorities are investigating whether it violates Britain's child pornography laws, The Telegraph reported Tuesday. Police confirmed they were looking at the picture to assess whether an offense had been committed, but have refused further comment.

John, who purchased the "Thanksgiving" installation in 1999, said Wednesday that the picture "Klara and Edda Belly-Dancing" had been exhibited across Europe and the United States without any objections of which he was aware.

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Author`s name Angela Antonova