Stinky Man Gets to Supreme Court

A court decided to increase the rate of penalty that Dutch Teunis Teun must pay to a library from which he had scared all readers away. The people had to leave the library because of Teun's stinky feet.

Super stinky feet of Teunis Teun made him famous all over the country. A trial on the case of the stinky man continued for about a year. Several months ago the court passed a decision that the violator must pay a fine at the rate of 70 pounds to the library, however, Teun appealed against the decision. As the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reports, this week the Court of Appeal rejected Teun's appeal and even decided to raised the fine up to 175 pounds.

But the recent decision of the court made Teun even more unhappy, he said he would appeal to the Supreme Court. He says: "I know I am right. Librarians had no right to rob me of my library ticket because of this trifle."

Within several past months, librarians and readers in Delft University library rebuked 39-year-old Teun for the disgusting smell emitted by his feet, but the man ignored the criticism. Then librarians withdrew Teun's library ticket, but the man all the same continued attending the reading room in the library. The librarians say that each time Teun took his shoes off in the reading room, other readers immediately escaped the room as they couldn't stand the stench of his feet. In the words of the man, his feet don't sweat only in a continuous cool airflow. Besides, he says that reading with his shoes off is more comfortable for him.

Finally, as the number of library readers considerably dropped because of this stinky problem, librarians decided to bring an action against Teun. The man was charged with violation of readers' rights. He got very disappointed with this indictment and even planned to emigrate to Germany where, as he says, people pay less attention to problems of this kind. However, later he changed the intention and decided to fight to a successful finish.

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