It is very prestigious for a modern businessman to visit brothels or be a member of a sex club. This is as prestigious nowadays, as having a fancy car or a beautiful secretary. In addition to that, you can go on sex tours.
If we believe jokes and legends, then the first prostitute on Earth was Eve’s daughter. Witty fellows and wicked tongues say that it was the second woman in the history of humanity, who started offering her body to in return to gifts: yummy food or jewelry.
But who was the first “male prostitute?” This is still a big secret. No one even gives a hint of the era, when such a phenomenon came up. Anyway, this does not really matter, since in this article we will talk about the present achievements, not history. There are a lot of places in the world, where a woman can buy a man.
Laura and Phil own a high-class brothel for women, the four-storied building costs four million dollars. Laura and Phil are both 50 years of age, they kicked off their business, when they lost their jobs one fine day. Their brothel provides the best service. There is even a computer, the memory of which contains the unique information about the wishes and tastes of each client, as well as the schedule, prices and medical information.
The idea of such a brothel was set forth by Laura. She was tired from listening to permanent complaints from her friends, the women were telling her that they were not sexually satisfied, so Laura decided to help them.
The owners of the brothel for women do not expose the information on how many men work in the brothel. They prefer to say that there are over ten of them, but less than fifty. The police were closing the brothel six times, putting Laura and Phil behind the bars, but that did not last long every time it happened. The budget of the brothel includes a paragraph – bribes for police. When such a paragraph appeared, it put an end to those scandals, in spite of the fact that they sometimes arrange wild gangbangs and orgies, watching kinkiest pornographic videos. The brothel is a place for respectable women only - successful, rich, but lonely ladies. They need a man not only for sex, but also for escorting them to opera, or for a weekend.
One of the “workers” of the brothel is a man nicknamed Rudolf Valentino. His nationality is Serbian, he is tall, handsome, engineer by profession. He escaped from the former Yugoslavia, then he started the career of a pornostar. He keeps saying that having an erection in front of a camera is far from being piece of cake. Rudolf serves three of four women a day and never takes an invitation to go to a theatre or restaurant.
“They call me, when a client needs two hours of pure sex. I can serve one or several women four or five times a night, but I have a condition of having three days of rest before that.
The prices in this brothel in New York are not really high. But there are few women, who want only a sexual intercourse: they want something exquisite, and they can get them there, but this costs a lot. One sexual intercourse (or fifteen minutes) costs $200, oral sex performed on a woman - $300, a blowjob - $100.
A man gets 50% of the income. Rudolf says that he has already earned enough money for a car, an apartment and a beautiful girlfriend. One of his clients was 60 years old. She became a widow twice, she is very rich and her ideas are very pragmatic: “Europe’s trouble is that its culture and life are youth and beauty oriented. The men of my age are drawn to young girls and young men for the women like me – is a money issue. But this is not a problem for me, fortunately.
Claude is the owner of another brothel for women. His business is prospering, 25 guys help it to grow. The guys were selected for satisfying any taste. There are gorgeous and almost ugly men, short and tall ones, with a beard and without, slim and fat – their age ranges between 24-45 years old.
Clause does not like to talk about the profit. But he does like to talk about his villa. He is in perfect relations with his neighbors – they all know about his business and do not condemn it at all. He does not have any enemies, but no friends either, though.
Claude finds quarrel in a straw when it comes to his “personnel.” The medical tests come first, the women in the “jury” check out the male abilities of a candidacy, sleeping with him one by one.
The process of meeting up with a client is rather traditional. A woman selects a man she likes, then she goes to the bar to see him and explains to him what she wants. None of the guys was afraid of any wishes - the men, who work there, love sex most of all.
A brothel for women in Munich guarantees that a woman will experience orgasm. And this promise is kept, so the women, who go there once, come back more and more. They say that they are getting a compensation for the disadvantages of their family life, they go back to their husbands with the new impulse of life.
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