Rubber girlfriend can warm without sex

In Moscow, the exhibition “Hot-Water Bottle Fantasies” has been opened at the Fly art club.

Moscow designers one more time proved that anything can be changed beyond recognition, even a very simple thing. For example, a rubber hot-water bottle.

Famous people of Moscow, among them even politician, came to see these hot-water bottles.

An interesting exhibit was the work of Moscow designer A.Bartenev called “Heating Cap with Ear-Flaps for Fisherman.” This complicated four-vessel construction is supposed to be filled with hot silicon. The visitors of the exhibition were interested in Mikhail Alshibai’s rubber woman (the exhibit called “The one I was searching for the whole of my life”), to whose stomach, below the waist, a bottle covered with costly fur had been fitted for heating.

The sense of humour of some designers was welcomed. From this point of view, the most interesting exhibit was the work of Adjy Tomesh, picturing a human body in camouflage, however without a head, that was called “With the Chill off.”

The most mysterious was the work of Yekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya called “Esmarkh’s Kiss”: the face of a woman, of natural size, with nose, lips, a mysterious smile, and big Gypsy earings. The explanatory inscription was: “Who would like to get warm? Who will get Esmarkh’s kiss?” However, nobody wanted to try it out.

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