Russian Academician Sergei Kapitsa Believes Necessity Of Dialogue Among Different Civilisations Has Sharply Increased

Academician Sergei Kapitsa believes that after the events of September 11 in the United States the need of a dialogue among different civilisations and cultures with the aim of preventing military clashes between them has sharply increased. The scientist spoke on Thursday at the session of the round-table conference devoted to the results of the Year of Dialogue Among Civilisations under the aegis of the United Nations. The initiative of conducting this Year was put forth in 1998 by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami. At the decision of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan a group of eighteen world well-known politicians, scientists and men of culture was formed. Russia's representative in this group, Academician Sergei Kapitsa, noted the need of seeking ways for such a dialogue also inside Russia, in many regions of which two or even three different civilisations co-exist. The dialogue among the world civilisations must in no way turn into a war of one civilisation against another, said Yuri Reshetov, member of the UN committee for the elimination of racial discrimination, who also addressed the session of the round-table conference. On his part, director of the UN information centre in Moscow Alexander Gorelik admitted that a strong strike on the main principles of the dialogue among civilisations was delivered by the latest events in the Middle East. In his opinion, only the efforts of the entire world community can help overcome this conflict.

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