The Importance of Men Being Men and Women Being Women

About 98% of people who live on the planet Earth are not happy with their looks. Everyone can dye their hair, use color contacts, have plastic surgery, whatever, but it is be very hard to change one's sex. However, some people want this more than anything in the world.

You can often hear women say “If I were a man….” And then you can listen to a long list of heroic deeds that this newly born man would do. Other voices are not so frequent. They are the voices of those romantic males that would wish to become females and obtain the complete set of advantages and disadvantages of a woman’s life. Those include undress-you-eyes that gazing from butts to breasts, from breasts to slim legs. There are flowers and gifts, amazing compliments, subtle hints, restaurants, saunas, Miami beaches, and so on. Men do all that for the only one goal – to experience sexual euphoria with a Beautiful Girl, to experience the nirvana of sexual excitement, to conquer the peaks of pleasure. In addition to these positive aspects, a newly born woman will have to deal with the very subtle and unpredictable women’s psychology, periods, bitchy character, and a variety of scandals. (we have to say here that there are a lot of bitchy men these days as well).

It recently transpired that a Jordan national, Muhammed Irvazi, decided to become a woman despite desperate persuasions on the part of his relatives and friends. He was operated on successfully, but he could not stand the new life long. A bit more than a week later he (she) returned to the hospital and asked to make him (her) a man again. Modern medicine can work miracles with the help of a lot of money, so he could see and feel his male pride between his legs again. They say that he will never wish to change his sex again.

What would a woman do if she became a man?

First of all, she will definitely sleep with all of her girlfriends. She will do it graciously, without any pangs of conscience. Her sex will be just perfect, because she already knows her friends’ whims, weak points, and preferences. Then she will sleep with her friends’ friends. Then she will love to have serious discussions with all her sex buddies. She might want to go to a dance club in order to understand the point of the saying “Balls make men bad dancers.” And, of course, she will be extremely proud of the opportunity to pee standing, holding the male pride in her fist.

What would a man do if he became a woman?

First of all, he will find that damn clit. Then he will realize what a woman feels when men penetrate. He will learn how to put stockings on, how to walk in high heels, how to spend two hours in front of a mirror, and how to spend five hours on the phone every day. He will have to spend a lot of time to get rid of the “stand and pee anywhere you want” habit. He will also have to go to a gynaecologist in order to understand the differences between dental and gynaecological chairs. An, of course, he will try to conceive and give birth to a child.

Needless to mention, that it is always great for a man to be a man an for a woman to be a woman. Being a woman has its advantages. Here are the list of the most typical:

- There is a chance that someone will give you a seat on the bus or metro.

- Women do not lose hair. Millions of men become totally frustrated with their lack of hair. - The heart attack death rate amid women is less in comparison with men. It’s not much big of a deal, but it’s a good thing to know anyway.

- Women experience multiple orgasms in a row.

- Women work less than men in civilized countries. If you were not born in a civilized country, you can easily go there by marrying a man from a civilized country. That’s all you have to do! - The peak of male sexuality occurs at 17 years of age, when young men are basically unable to realize all the good points of having sex. Women experience thir peak of sexuality at about 35 years old. - Women can always relieve their stress if they cry for a couple of minutes. Statistics says that a crying blond is a very erotic fantasy for every third man.

- Shopping makes women extremely happy. This shopping pleasure is even comparable to sex. If there is no man, but a thick pack of money, women are absolutely happy.

- If a girl carries an awkward name like Susan Dumbshit, for example, she can always get a better one if she gets married.

- Women can live up to 80 years, whereas men live up to 74. Therefore, women have better chances to witness the invention of immortality pills.

Now, is it good to be a man? Oh, yeah, definitely.

- A man spends 28 minutes for cooking meals every day, in comparison with 68 minutes that women usually spend on it.

- Only six percent of men keep to a diet. Compare this to 87% of women.

- When 80, 63% of men still make love (and only 30% of women can do it).

- You can hardly see even a short line to the men's room. This is a very big advantage in comparison with what you usually see near a ladies’ room. Sometimes women have to fight it out just to relieve themselves.

- Men are basically taller than women. Its good to be taller, because it gives a better view of women who stand so close to you in a bus during a rush hour.

- About 25 thousand operations are performed every year in England. A man will never be a patient there, since they are breast enlargement operations. That horror is like science fiction to all men.

- Men shave only the face. Lazy guys don’t even do that, because they think that unshaven men are more sexually appealing to women.

- When a man goes to a job interview, no one looks at his legs, chest, lips, breasts, or other areas. However, employers pay attention to his shoes, teeth, and clean nails.

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