The original version of "War and Peace" was published in Spain 130 years after Leo Tolstoi had written his immortal novel. According to local press, this is an important event in Spain's cultural life.
The previous Spanish translation of the novel lacked many paragraphs and phrases of the original and had many actual errors. Besides, some statements by the great Russian writer were distorted. According to Spain's leading translator of Russian literature Lydia Kuper whose parents come from Russia, the French version of the novel distorting the author's style was used in the previous translation. It has "a literary make-up", she said. Other above-mentioned blemishes came to the Spanish text from the French translation.
Lydia Kuper was working on the new edition of "War and Peace" for five years. According to local press, as a result Spanish readers got a full volume translation of the great novel. Well-known Spanish publisher Mario Muchnik called it "the best novel in world literature".
The edition of the complete Spanish version of "War and Peace" was sponsored by the Spanish Culture Ministry and several Leo Tolstoi's admirers who preferred not to disclose their names.
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