Russia ready to expand cooperation with Laos

Russia is ready to expand economic, scientific-technical and military-technical cooperation with Laos, Russian Premier Mikhail Kasyanov stated on Tuesday at negotiations with Laotian Premier Boungnang Volachit.

The Russian Premier recalled that in the 1980s the Soviet Union had greatly helped Laos to create economic bases and build many objects. Besides, a total of 8 thousand students went to Soviet universities.

"We hope the Laotian Premier's visit will give a serious impetus for development of the two countries' relations," Kasyanov pointed out. According to the Russian Premier, experts from both countries have conducted significant work in the light of the visit, which is expected to result in a number of cooperation documents in many areas.

Mikhail Kasyanov highly assessed Laos's efforts to develop its economy and social sphere. "Russia welcomes the Laotian government's decision to withdraw Laos from the list of countries with developing economy by 2020. I am convinced that Laotians can cope with this task and Russia, on its part, will support these efforts," the Russian Premier stressed.

He also added that Russian-Laotian relations had always been friendly, while standpoints of the two countries' governments concerning "practically all international aspects were similar".

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