US Ambassador To Russia Favors Investment Climate In Chelyabinsk Region

While in Chelyabinsk, US Ambassador to Russia Alexander Vershbow declared that he considered the investment climate in the Chelyabinsk region favorable compared to other regions of the Russian Federation. He mentioned that the possibility of investing in this region was being discussed. According to First Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Viktor Timashov, there are 50 Russian-US companies in the region. The volume of US investments was $1m more compared to the previous year and amounted to $2.6m. "Of course, this amount is insignificant, there are perspectives of developing this collaboration," the official added. He mentioned the idea of establishing a Russian-US coal company in Chelyabinsk. Vershbow also met with Supreme Mufti of Russia and the CIS Talgat Tadzhuddin and other Moslem officials. The Ambassador emphasized that the USA was fighting not against the Muslims and Afghans, but against terrorists and extremists, ready to die for their selfish ends in Afghanistan. At the same time, Tadzhuddin supported US anti-terrorist activities and added that terrorist activities have nothing in common with Islam and are not in the interests of religious Muslims.

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