Russian, Albanian Chambers of Commerce sign agreement

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation signed a collaboration agreement with the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania in Moscow today. President of the Russian Chamber Yevgeny Primakov delivered a speech after the ceremony of signing the agreement, saying that the collaboration between Russia and Albania in the trade and economic spheres met the potentials of the two states. According to him, the volume of Russia's import from Albania is only 30,000 annually, compared to the volume of its export, which is tens of times higher and still has growth potential.

The agreement signed today shall become an important step towards the expansion of Russian-Albanian collaboration in the trade and economic spheres. "Intensifying contacts between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Russia and Albania, as well as between businessmen of the two countries, will help us to develop the relations between our countries," Primakov stressed.

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