While checking up on a report, Daghestani police have seized a large batch of arms and ammunition in the town of Khasavyurt located near the border with Chechnya, reports the republican Interior Ministry.
Muslim Abdurazakov, 25, resident of Daghestan's Osmanyurt village, the Khasavyurt district, and Khamzat Gudayev, 30, from the Chechen village of Churi-Irzu, the Nozhaiyurt district, were arrested in Khasavyurt on Sunday.
The latter kept 2 Kalashnikov submachine guns and 16 cartridge drums, more than 180 cartridges, 2 anti-tank rocket launchers, 2 RGD-5 hand grenades and 2 F-1 "limonka" bombs.
Engaged in the operation to identify and detain the criminals were the republican and city organised crime departments and other departments of Daghestan's Interior Ministry's.
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