Train with 800 passengers derails because of reckless KAMAZ truck driver

KAMAZ truck driver causes passenger train with 800 vacationers to derail

In the Volgograd region of Russia, a passenger train derailed. Seven or eight carriages with people turned over.

The incident occurred when a KAMAZ truck driver tried to drive through the crossing right in front of the approaching train. The train was traveling from Kazan to Adler, a resort city on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

The truck driver was hospitalised. As many as 100 people suffered injuries of varying degree. 

According to most recent reports, two people were killed. Five were hospitalised. It is believed some people were trapped in the overturned carriages. 

Thirty-three children were said to be among those who were hurt in the accident. They suffered bruises and cuts, all received first medical aid on the scene. 

More pictures and videos from the scene on Pravda.Ru English channel.

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov