Russian officer amputates his own arm to survive near Chasiv Yar

Wounded Russian officer cuts off his own arms with scissors to survive

A wounded Russian intelligence officer was forced to cut off his own arm to survive. He could receive medical assistance hours later.

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The serviceman stepped on an anti-personnel mine near Chasiv Yar. The man fell and touched another mine that exploded as well. When his fellow soldiers ran up to help him, the officer asked them to cut off his half-severed arm, but they refused.

The officer used a pair of scissors from his first aid kit and did it himself. He then walked to the medical ATV and doctors evacuated him to field surgeons. 

The man had to walk for a kilometer to find the medics. Doctors managed to save him despite severe blood loss, a foot wound, shrapnel wounds to the head and body. 

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Author`s name Petr Ermilin
Editor Dmitry Sudakov