Volcano Eruption Disrupts Major Sports Events in Europe

Barcelona's players are traveling by bus to Milan for the first leg of the Champions League semifinal against Inter on Tuesday because of air travel disruptions caused by Iceland's volcanic eruption.

The squad was driving 394 miles on Sunday to Cannes, France, where it will spend the night, the club reported on its Web site. It will then travel the remaining 218 miles to Milan on Monday. Airports across the north of Spain had reopened after being shut throughout Sunday morning due to the ash cloud, but airports in northern Italy were still closed on Sunday afternoon, The Associated Press says.

A statement from the controlling body of European football on Sunday said the matches between Inter Milan and Barcelona in Italy on Tuesday and Bayern Munich and Lyon in Germany in Wednesday would go ahead as scheduled.

"Both visiting teams have taken all the necessary steps to rearrange their travel plans to ensure they reach their match venues on time," the statement declared. A back-up appointment for the refereeing team on Tuesday has also been appointed as a precaution. Uefa said a decision would be made in the next couple of days about the Europa League semi-finals later this week, InTheNews informs.

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