Ivanov: "Russia is ready to take preventive measures against terrorists"

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov confirms Russia's readiness in taking preventive measures against terrorists.

“This is not a political statement. We will really implement these measures,” stated Sergey Ivanov in his interview with “Komsomolskaya pravda.”

“In case we notice some gang approaches Russia in an attempt to commit a terrorist act, we aren't going to sit still and do nothing and simply wait for them to do their dirty business,” emphasized he.

The minister also reminded the press of Russia's high-precision weapons and special services forces. “We are not intending to limit ourselves in anything. Aside perhaps for the nuclear weapons; we aren't planning to use nuclear weapons,” stated Ivanov.

When asked about the army's involvement in counteracting terrorism, the head of Russia's Ministry of Defense has said that “it would be impossible to defend the country with the naked soldier’s mass.”

“We ought to have a mobile army, which could be quickly deployed from one end of the country to another,” presumes the minister.

“Armed forces is a powerful feast intended specifically for modern-day military operations,” stated Sergey Ivanov. “It doesn’t make sense for the entire army to chase two-three terrorists.”

According to Ivanov, Chechnya used to be full of major gangs of 2-3 thousand men in 2000; nowadays, however, no such gangs are left.

“They (militants) prefer to move in small groups nowadays – maximum of 100 per group,” said the minister.

He also has reminded that the number of Chechen militaristic groups significantly decreased and that anti-terrorist operation remains under strict control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Obviously the Defense still has its part to play. First of all, this has to do with guarding those military objects that represent main targets for terrorists, airspace control as well as sea communication.

Ivanov has also remarked that terrorism has no nationality. “Let me give you a few numbers: federal forces in Chechnya have destroyed foreigners from 52 countries since 2000,” said the minister.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov